Also known as refined flour, all-purpose flour is made from wheat grains after removing the brown husk. The flour is full of carbohydrates and helps in overcoming weight loss. ...
This greyish flour, with a strong and nutty aroma, is made from pearl millet. It is high in protein and fiber, and good for diabetic patients. You can make ...
This flour is freshly milled from ground chickpeas or garbanzo beans and is a staple of south asian cuisine. It is high in protein, iron, and fiber. It is ...
This flour is made from dried corn and is a common staple in various households. It is gluten-free and protects against celiac disease. You can use it as a ...
Also known as Suji, it is made from powdered durum wheat. Rich in protein, vitamins, and iron, it is healthy and tasty. You can use it to make delicious ...
Prepared from Jawar grains, this flour is free from gluten. High in fiber, it reduces bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. As a healthy alternative to wheat, it can ...
It is made out of Ragi grain. It is finger millet powder. It has a high protein and mineral content. It is an ideal source of protein for vegetarians. ...
Also known as Amaranth flour, it is made from the seeds of the amaranth plant. It is a high source of protein and enhances bone strength. You can use ...