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When buying these, do not thaw. You can season these with some oil and spices and toss or roast them. Okra is rich in Vitamins A and C, magnesium ...
Also referred to as Moringa, these are highly nutritious and help aid several health issues. These are used in making soups, curries and can also consume them with stuffed ...
Cluster beans or Guvar are a flatter variety of french beans. Slightly bitter in taste, used in making vegetables and lentils (dals). They are a great source of fibre, ...
Also referred to as bitter gourd or bitter melon, contains a bundle of fibres, nutrients and antioxidants that can help regulate blood sugar levels, cancer-fighting properties and help in ...
Methi, also known as fenugreek leaves, is a green leafy vegetable used in South Asian cooking. These leaves are very rich in antioxidants, minerals that provide several health benefits. ...
Also known as Ivy Gourd, this is a popular food used in making vegetables, curries or stir-fry. They have potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that may aid in the ...
Also called green pigeon peas, these are very nutritious and healthy. Used in making curries, lentils, vegetables and kachoris. This is commonly used in making Gujarati dishes. Available in 300g
Pod-shaped vegetable which is naturally sweet. They are used as an additional component to dishes and can also be used in making soups, porridge, vegetables and savoury puddings. Green ...
Shredded coconut meat which is dried out but contains a little amount of moisture. You can use this in a variety of baked goods, sprinkle on smoothies, porridge, yogurt ...